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Events at TUM Campus Heilbronn
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the magazine of the TUM Campus Heilbronn
Psyche is not only a Greek goddess but also a crucial factor for people’s well-being. It can be both the main reason for sick days – enigmatic and multi-faceted – and the key to a happy future. Dr. Simon Senner, Chief Physician at the Reichenau Centre of Psychiatry, explains how the transformation towards healthy and successful coexistence in…
TUM Campus Heilbronn Professor Dr. Hartwig Anzt develops methods for solving equations. What may sound abstract actually is field-oriented: Computing models are used in medical simulations and climate forecasts, among other things.
For five days, students from the TUM worked primarily in small and medium-sized companies, where they solved real business problems.
Many employees underestimate the risk of automation affecting their jobs. In this interview, Philipp Lergetporer, Professor of Economics at the TUM Campus Heilbronn, talks about the motivation to embrace continuing education and how the upskilling system has to change.
The third TUM Talk focused on causes, adjustments, and future strategies around supply chains.
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