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Mastering Digital Transformation Compact: Get Ready to Explore Digitalization

In our compact course specially designed for family businesses and SMEs, you will gain initial insights into digital transformation. Together, we will explore topics such as digital strategies, innovation investments, platform economy and change management.

Identifying Challenges, Developing Strategies, and Successfully Driving Transformation

To ensure competitiveness, companies must adapt to the particular challenges of constantly changing markets and customer needs. With the onset of the Corona pandemic in 2020 at the latest, “digital transformation” has arrived in every company in one way or another. But the topic has been discussed for a long time and has become more relevant due to growing dynamics in all markets. In this context, it is not enough to digitize content. Rather, new approaches as well as solutions for business processes, working methods and corporate structures must be developed.


The Mastering Digital Transformation compact course ensures that a quick and needs-based introduction to relevant topics of digital transformation is achieved. Basic applicable methods are taught in order to implement the first small digitalization projects.


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A Next-Level Learning Experience

TUM Campus Heilbronn

The certificate program "Mastering Digital Transformation" is taught exclusively at TUM Campus Heilbronn with its world-class facilities and stunning architecture.


Attendees get a chance to get familiar with digital strategy, digital technologies, sustainability, customer experience, digital process design, platform economics, as well as transformation, and change management.


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Would You like a More In-Depth Insight?

In addition to the compact course, we also offer the “Mastering Digital Transformation” program. The program consists of eight modules and can be tailored to your individual needs.


The modules:

  • Digital Strategy & Business Models - From market & trend to strategy
  • Sustainability - From digital transformation to sustainability
  • Customer Journeys & Experience - From strategy to customer journey
  • Digitization of the core business - From the customer journey to the capability platform
  • Enabler: Digital Technologies - From technical potential to digital platform
  • Enabler: New ways of working - From "tribal culture" to tribes
  • Steering Digital Transformation - From digital pilot to scaling
  • Cultural Change & Communication in Digital Transformation - From participation to co-creation & experience


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