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the magazine of the TUM Campus Heilbronn

Heilbronn Hosts the World

For more than 30 years, the International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems has stood for cutting-edge research in the fields of computer architecture and operating systems. Last fall, TUM Campus Heilbronn hosted the conference for the first time.

Dialogue, Not Monologue

Discussing digital transformation topics with experts from TUM Campus Heilbronn – that’s what the networking format TUM Connect is all about.

A Look into the Crystal Ball

What will our shopping behavior look like in 10, 20, or 30 years? Professor Martin Meißner reveals this to us in an interview with “HANIX” magazine.

The “Child Penalty”: Punishing Those Who Have Children?

Those who want to return to work after the birth of a child often experience their own family situation as an obstacle – the so-called child penalty. TUM Campus Heilbronn wants to promote discourse between companies and families anew.

Career Factory: Insights into Germany’s Silicon Valley

In the jungle of entrepreneurial diversity, in the labyrinth of seemingly endless possibilities, choosing an employer often comes down to a metaphorical roll of the dice. The Career Factory at TUM Campus Heilbronn aims to remedy this situation and offers students and companies a joint platform for exchange, networking, and inspiration.

Spotlight: Supply Chain

The third TUM Talk focused on causes, adjustments, and future strategies around supply chains.

Learning from Losses

As part of the Learning from Legends event series, table tennis world champion Jörg Roßkopf was a guest at TUM Campus Heilbronn

Off to New Shores!

No one is an island. This proverbial phrase by the English poet John Donne alludes to the human need for social closeness. But it also applies to TUM Campus Heilbronn.

Apps, Apple, and the App Store

From games to fitness trackers to streaming services: in the App Store, there is a suitable app for almost everything. But how does Apple decide what is allowed on the platform and what is not? Prof. Jens Förderer and doctoral student Michaela Lindenmayr got to the bottom of this.

The Next Big Piece of the Puzzle

The Dieter Schwarz Foundation expands its commitment to the further development of the educational campus – and thus initiates the next phase on the path toward Heilbronn 3.0.

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