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Illustration of a relaxed man in a hammock surrounded by swirling icons of technology, including a smartphone, calendar, email, and hourglass, symbolizing work-life balance and digital stress.

Strengthening Mental Wellbeing

  • Research
  • From Research

Psyche is not only a Greek goddess but also a crucial factor for people’s well-being. It can be both the main reason for sick days – enigmatic and multi-faceted – and the key to a happy future. Dr. Simon Senner, Chief Physician at the Reichenau Centre of Psychiatry, explains how the transformation towards healthy and successful coexistence in companies can succeed.

Abandon his career as a doctor? Senner briefly faced this decision before discovering his passion for the human brain. “The brain is our most complex organ. You can read 100 books about it and still understand only a fraction.” His fascination with the unknown began during a temporary assistant position at the psychiatric clinic of Munich’s Rechts der Isar Hospital. Today, Senner is chief physician and supports companies and executives in interacting with employees dealing with mental illnesses.


Healthy leadership, healthy mind


Mental health plays an increasingly important role for companies. “Absences due to mental illnesses are at an all-time high but approximately 75 percent of those affected never seek help.” For this reason, Senner advocates for prevention and offers training sessions on the topic in companies and at TUM Campus Heilbronn. An often unexpected benefit: “In contrast to depression, the term burnout is widely perceived as more positive. It implies that before burning out, you – allegedly! – gave your all. People can identify with this view.” 

That fact can be the gateway to successful therapy. “Ultimately, it is irrelevant whether the professional diagnosis actually is burnout, depression or an anxiety disorder. What matters is that the person accepts help.” 

Addressing the issue can be delicate for third parties, especially at work. “Executives have to watch their choice of words. It’s easy to get it wrong,” Senner explains. He advises against offering a diagnosis; rather, the discussion should focus on the staff member’s work behavior and on changes in his or her personal life since the situation is highly stressful for employees.

There is a lot to learn about healthy leadership. “Playing out situations and/or adopting other companies’ best practices can help react correctly, reduce absences, and make the company successful in the long-term and sustainably.”


Acting preventively


Although no easy solutions exist to this complex issue, everyone can take preventive measures. “Being aware of and acting on our body’s signals is important,” Senner explains. The earlier we act, the faster things will look up again.