Introduction to the Cultural History of Europe

The event aims to familiarize students with the founding and functioning of the EU, as well as with the history of the emergence and success of Europe in a broad context. A cultural-historical form of representation can best illustrate what characteristics define Europe and distinguish it from all other continents.
What Will Europe Look like in the Future?

The event begins on June 26, 2024 with three introductory lectures that are intended to provide an overall picture of the European project. On the second day, June 27, 2024, a Europe Future Lab in the form of two workshops will take place and will be dedicated to the topic of “experience, narrate and create Europe.”
On Friday, June 28, 2024, the workshop participants will present four visions of the future of Europe. The highlight of the closing event will be the Europe speech and the subsequent panel discussion.
Europe as a Place of Longing

The launch event on June 28, 2024 will be accompanied by music and enriched by interactive information stands from numerous partner organizations, including the Heilbronn Theater, the German-French Institute, the Global-Ethic Institute, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Europaunion Heilbronn, Fraunhofer Institute and others.
On July 12, 2024, all students who took part in the previous parts of the event will travel to Strasbourg to experience politics up close in the European Parliament.
Please note: All students who would like to register for the educational trip to Strasbourg must take part in the overall program of the EUrope-event from June 26 to 28, 2024.
Please be aware that the registration deadline is June 20, 2024. You are invited to join us also spontaneously on the first and third day of the event, as long as there are free seats available.
Location: City Hall Heilbronn, Marktplatz 7, 74072 Heilbronn
5:00 pm
Welcome Coffee and Check-in
5:30 pm
Welcome Speech
by Martin Diepgen, First Mayor, Heilbronn City Hall,
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Helmut Krcmar, Delegate Officer of the President and Founding Dean (2018-2020) - TUM Campus Heilbronn,
and Daniel A. Gottschald, Managing Director of Die TUM Campus Heilbronn gGmbH
5:45 pm
Introduction and Moderation
by Dr. Rangel Trifonov, TUM Campus Heilbronn
5:50 pm
Panel I
Theoretical inputs
Memory – Values – Culture – Identity
5:50 pm
"The European Project - the Legacy of the Founding Fathers. Homeland, Identity and Belonging in Europe"
by Prof. Dr. Frank Baasner, Director of the German-French Institute (2002-2024)
6:50 pm
Coffee Break
7:00 pm
Digital Transformations in Europe
by Prof. Dr. Lauri Wessel, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
7:30 pm
"Politics, Ethics, and Social Market Economy"
by Matthias Schäfer, Head of the Foreign Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Algeria
8:15 pm
Discussion and Reception
Location: TUM Campus Heilbronn, Bildungscampus 2, 74076 Heilbronn
5:00 pm
Panel II
“Experience and narrate Europe”
Europe Future Lab - “Education is knowledge and attitude” - the future of the European society
5:00 pm
Part I
Workshop - Create Europe
5:00 pm
Part II
Makerthon: The homeland Europe as a narrative space
„Where does Europe begin?“
„What are the essential characteristics that define Europe? (from an economic, political and cultural-historical perspective)? “
„Can we speak of a pan-European collective identity“?
„The border used to say no, today it says yes,” so Arno Geiger in 2011. Students can now study, live and travel freely in Europe. Can Europe be something like homeland or become homeland for them?
Location: FORUM, Bildungscampus 1, 74076 Heilbronn
4:00 pm
Welcome Coffee
4:30 pm
Welcome Speech
4:40 pm
Panel III
Summary and presentation of the workshop results – Ideas competition “A Vision for Europe”
5:00 pm
Democracy and European values – fundamentals of European identity
by Prof. Dr. Frank Baasner, Director of the German-French Institute (2002 – 2024)
5:15 pm
Panel IV
"Cross the Border, Close the Gap”. The time-spirit in Europe after postmodernism
with students at TUM Campus Heilbronn,
Isabell Steidel, member of the Heilbronn municipal council and deputy parliamentary group leader of Alliance 90/The Greens (Heilbronn municipal council),
Prof. Dr. Frank Baasner, Director of the German-French Institute (2002 – 2024),
and Matthias Schäfer, head of the foreign office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Algeria
Moderation by Charleen Florijn
6:00 pm
Locatoin: European Parliament, Strasbourg
8:00 am
Educational trip to Strasbourg
Europe as a place of belonging
8:00 pm approx.
Return at TUM Campus Heilbronn
Event Days Open to the Public
June 26, 2024
June 28, 2024
Event Days for Students Only
June 27, 2024
July 12, 2024